📗PPeC 2.0

A M3LL protocol, more wins for the community, for advertisers, and for the audience.

Good to know : PPeC 1.0 treasury is the funding seed for PPeC 2.0.

How can you help? buy and hold, claim rewards, but most importantly launch as many SmAC as your project requires, however, do not forget to glance at the promotion guidelines.

What is PPeC 2.0?

When SmAC meet art!

PPeC 2.0 is the second phase of decentralized advertisement or DAdvers. In this phase, more features are added to the W3LL protocol to create a M3LL protocol or a "more, more, more for all" system. Well, let call it a Triple More!

Apart from adding more features, the M3LL protocol reintroduces third parties and put them to act as W3LL third parties.

New features

Under the M3LL protocol, we will introduce new features such as global support, W3LL third parties, proof of publication, sMAT, osMAT, and IPFS.

The information provided bellow are intended to give a broader rather than an in-depth understanding of new added features in PPeC 2.0 as we are still expending its capabilities and utilities.

1. Global/Local Support

With global and local support, a SmAC would be able to target its audience based on the location requested by the promoter.

2. W3LL third parties

Third parties will own spaces from which they can host SmAC for a fees (from claims). Third parties will have the ability to select which SmAC they want to host based on their audience preferences.

3. Proof of Publication

This is a new mechanism that feeds sMAT (s-mate) with more $PPeC for their owners. This is also a free promotion for advertisers (Remember that promoters get more wins?!)

4. sMAT - a smarter SmAC

In plural, sMAT and osMAT do not end in "s."

Once a SmAC runs successfully with a 100% click-through rates (CTR) it becomes a tradable SmAC token or sMAT (s-mate or smarter mate). A sMAT is a token and earns more $PPeC under the proof of publication for its owner.

  • sMAT are tradable $PPeC.

  • sMAT earn a portion of new SmAC claim fees.

  • For promoters, a sMAT is a free promotion since it still holds all its SmAC information. Promoters also have the option to sell their sMAT to the PPeC community.

  • For the community this is an opportunity to buy, and/or trade sMAT.

  • sMAT cycle is 1 year. During this time, it's constantly earning $PPeC from newer SmAC claim fees.

How is a sMAT token price set?

When a SmAC is launched for 120,000 $PPeC/claim and runs successfully with 100% CTR, this single claim amount becomes the value for the sMAT. It earns $PPeC based on the claim value, however, its price is determined by the market.

More information will be released in the official document.

5. osMAT - a wiser sMAT

After a full year, a sMAT becomes an osMAT (Oz-mate or Old Smart mate) token. $PPeC burning events will now include osMAT. These tokens earn burning fees for their owners, however, these fees are accumulated for at least a year and at most 2 years before being redeemable.

  • osMAT are tradable $PPeC.

  • osMAT earn burning fees because they become part of $PPeC burning events.

  • For promoters who did not sell their sMAT until they became osMAT, they still have the option to sell.

  • osMAT earn burning fees for 1 - 2 years.


IPFS are interplanetary file system or a sort of decentralized file system. PPeC 2.0 intend to save SmAC files on IPFS instead of AWS (Amazon Web Services) to insure their eternal life and keep them safe from censorship.

This is all we can give you for now, Happy SmAC-ing my friend! 🎉

Last updated